SafeWA App

SafeWA App

1.1.3 for Android

SafeWA App Apk Download [Keyword Apk] Free Latest Version for Android Smartphones and Tablets To Get Updated Information about COVID 19 Pandemic.

A new type of application was developed by the government of Australia to track and monitor people’s activities called the SafeWA App. Hence installing the updated version of Apk will enable the concerned authorities. To trace and locate the infected person without wasting time.

As we all are well aware of the current pandemic situation. Where all the people are strictly informed to stay inside their restricted premises. Because the more people interact with each other, there is an increased chance of separating diseases.

There are multiple different applications are developed and released over the internet. To gather information related to affected people and rescue guidelines. When the leaders realized that restricting people to homes will never resolve the problem.

Hence considering the situation, the Australian government decided to give some ease to people. By removing the restricted rules and letting the people interact over strong SOP Rules. Under the strong guidelines, the usage of the Pandemic App is legalized.

Even people are strongly recommended to install the Safe WA App on their smartphones. So the authorities can easily track and monitor the situation without any disturbance. Though there are plenty of new things added inside the application.

And we gonna mention every single detail below here. Till then users can download the updated version of the Apk from here. Remember to access the dashboard, the user must register with the application using the proper channel.

Moreover, the mobile number is kept compulsory while registration. Hence without a mobile number, it is not possible to register and create an account. So if you want to explore the App features, then download an updated version of the Apk from here.

What is SafeWA Apk

As we mentioned earlier it is a Health & Fitness application particularly developed for Australian mobile users. The main reason for developing this application was to keep data regarding affected people. And monitor and trace the people’s movement without wasting time.

Once the user is registered with the platform, the app will grant a unique QR code to the user. Hence using the QR Code Scanner, the person can show his/her attendance at the event. Moreover, the scanned data will be transmitted to the concerned authorities.

Suppose any person is affected by the pandemic disease and he/she attended the event. Concern authorities will check who else attended that event by checking attendance using the SafeWA App. As soon as they get the info, authorities will make direct contact and let the others know about the situation.

This application is particularly developed focusing on the events. Where people interact with each other closely without caring about the pandemic problem. If any user experiences any problem regarding Safe WA App Not Working then they can make direct contact with the help centre or try other Apps like Relive & Corona Warn App.

Key Features of The App

  • The event organizer will keep the QR Code Scanner and scan every person before entering.
  • A participant can use their unique QR Code to show their attendance.
  • Which includes Name, Mobile Number, Email Address and Login Time.
  • The concerned authorities will use user data only for tracing and monitoring purposes.
  • Servers will drain down the data in the next 28 days automatically.
  • The provided info will be accessible to concerned authorities.
  • No third-party ads are allowed.
  • Registration is compulsory using a mobile number.
  • The UI of the application is mobile-friendly.

How To Download The App

In terms of downloading the latest version of Apk files. Android users can trust our website because we only share authentic and operational Apps. To make sure the user will be entertained with the right product.

We install the same file over different devices. Once we are sure that the installed App is operational and malware-free. Then provide it inside the download section. To download the latest version of the Safe WA App For Android please click on the link.

Final Words

If you are ready to help the government in these difficult times. Then we recommend you download the SafeWA App from here and keep yourself and others safe in this pandemic problem. While usage if you face any problem feel free to contact us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SafeWA App Apk?

Is it official app?

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APK Information
App Name
5.0 and Plus
25 MB